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Rosie Riveter Day Monday, March 21 from 9:15-10:45 a.m.


Rosie Riveter Day Monday, March 21 from 9:15-10:45 a.m. at the Continuous Learning Center School.  The public is invited. 


The Rosie Riveter Recognition Day will consist of three Station:


Station 1: Anne Montague, Keynote Speaker: Charleston, WV. Founder and Executive Director. 


Station 2: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)-Kershaw County Manufacturers, Woolard Technology, DHEC, SLED,  USC Engineering.


Station 3: Military and First Responders, Revolutionary War, 


Visitors Center and Women's Roles throughout our country's history. 


Rosie the Riveter was the star of a campaign aimed at recruiting female workers for defense industries during World War II, and she became perhaps the most iconic image of working women. American women entered the workforce in unprecedented numbers during the war, as widespread male enlistment left gaping holes in the industrial labor force. Between 1940 and 1945, the female percentage of the U.S. workforce increased from 27 percent to nearly 37 percent, and by 1945 nearly one out of every four married women worked outside the home.


More than 310,000 women worked in the U.S. aircraft industry in 1943, making up 65 percent of the industry’s total workforce (compared to just 1 percent in the pre-war years). The munitions industry also heavily recruited women workers, as illustrated by the U.S. government’s Rosie the Riveter campaign.


Based in small part on a real-life munitions worker, but primarily a fictitious character, the strong, bandanna-clad Rosie became one of the most successful recruitment tools in American history, and the most iconic image of working women in the World War II era.

Post Commander

Tommy Cockrell


American Legion James Leroy Belk Post 17

Camden, South Carolina

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